Programme overview

Congress (23 - 25 August 2018)
Please click here to see the preliminary programme for the congress (zoom with ctrl +)
Pre-meetings (22 August 2018)
On Wednesday the 22 August, prior to the start of the congress, there will be four pre-meetings. Pre-meeting 1-3 is organized by the European School of Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE).
Please click on the pre-meeting title to read more about the programme:
1. Statistics in Medical Physics (ESMPE-general)
2. IMRT&VMAT planning in practice (ESMPE-RT)
3. Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry (ESMPE-NM)
4. Patient specific dosimetry for cardiac CT perfusion imaging (DR)
The EFOMP Examination Board - EEB Exams (21 - 22 August 2018)
The EEB will organize examinations in all subspecialities in connection with ECMP. EFOMP will grant EEB applicants registered for the ECMP 2018 a 20% discount on the normal fee.
Please read the announcement here
For latest announcements and information about the application procedure, please click here
Click on flyer for EEB examinations
Summer School (20 - 21 August 2018)
The Niels Bohr Institute is organizing a summer school on Imaging Modalities in Medical Physics in connection with the ECMP. The two-day summer school will take place Monday August 20 to Tuesday August 21 before the pre-meetings and congress.
Summer School on Imaging Modalities in Medical Physics (Click to see the programme)
Social events
Town Hall Reception 22 August, evening
Town Hall Reception for participants registered for the ECMP 2018. The Town Hall reception is included in the registration fee. First come first served basis. Registration is necessary.
Welcome Reception 23 August, evening at the HC Ørsted Institute
Welcome Reception for participants registered for the ECMP 2018. The Welcome reception is included in the registration fee. Registration is necessary.
Congress After-dinner Party 24 August in the Copenhagen University Main Ceremonial Halls
Free bar (beer, wine, soda and drinks) and snacks, jazz band: 50€.
The Congress after-dinner Party for participants registered for the ECMP 2018.
Registration is necessary.
There will be a united welcome speech from the presidents of the Swedish, the German, and the Danish Societies at the ECMP2018 Congress After-dinner Party.
Copenhagen University Main Ceremonial Hall

Copenhagen Town Hall

Copenhagen Town Hall